Saturday, January 29, 2011

Treat impotence without drugs

Treat ImpotenceThinkstockImpotence causes are smoking, disease, drugs and Chirurgie.Verwenden the "stamp" test, the distinction between physical and mental Ursachen.Eine of the most promising herb purified extract of Tribulus terrestris is.
"Impotence once only when the inability to achieve an erection was defined." Now it as the inability of an erection or ejaculate. "maintain is defined"
impotence or erectile dysfunction was once a man's worst nightmare. The progress in medicine and nutrition research, is it not more a scary thing. Impotence can - be treated even without drugs. So, before you invest in costly and potentially dangerous chemical drugs to determine natural treatments for impotence might want.
Impotence was once solely defined as the inability to reach an erection. It is now available as the inability of maintaining an erection or ejaculating defined.

There are two forms of impotence: primary and secondary. Men with primary impotence had never adequate erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse. This form of impotence is rare and often extreme psychological conditions caused intense fear of intimacy, extreme feelings of guilt and severe anxiety.

Secondary impotence, defined as the loss of erectile function after a normal function, more often. Men with secondary impotence are only 25% of the time usually in a position to engage in sexual intercourse. This form generally comes on gradually and is generally more easily treatable as primary impotence.

Even though middle-aged and older men be more impotent than younger men who can beat in every adult of age impotence. It is estimated to affect between 10 and 15 million men in the United States alone. Here are the main causes of impotence.


It is estimated that over 70% of cases of serious impotence are the result of diabetes, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, endocrine, vascular diseases, high blood pressure and brain diseases. It is estimated that between 50% and 60% of diabetics men impotent.

It is important to realize that impotence can be a symptom of a more serious health problem, so if you impotent, immediately seek professional medical help.

Prescribed medication to treat high blood pressure, ulcers, depression, prostate cancer, and drugs to prevent baldness or dieting aid can have side effects that contain the impotence. In this case the powerlessness takes as long as you are taking the medication.

Surgery on the spinal cord, prostate, bladder and pelvic can damage to impotence cause significant nerve, tissue, muscles or arteries.

Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs
One of the most underrated causes impotence is cigarette smoking-as if you need another reason to quit.

The same applies to alcohol and drugs such as heroin and cocaine. In fact, nearly 100% of men are regular cocaine use, impotent. If you use these recreational drugs, however you have more health problems than just impotence.

Our discussion of treat impotence without drugs is still... Next >


  1. Apart from brand viagra, there are also some natural ways to treat erectile dysfunction. Herbs such as Gingko Biloba, L-cartinine, L-arginine and Ashwagandha are good medicines for ED.

  2. Wonderful piece of information.thanks for sharing information.But impotency can be cured by medicine like Generic Viagra,Kamagra etc.keep posting
